Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

Several international scientists visited the team and gave seminars

  • Tamer Özsu (University of Waterloo, Canada): “Approaches to RDF Data Management and SPARQL Query Processing” on March 9.

  • Dennis Shasha (NYU) “Reducing Errors by Refusing to Guess (Occasionally)” on June 1.

  • Fabio Porto (LNCC, Brazil): “Database System Support of Simulation Data” on January 27 and “Simulation Data Management” on June 1.

  • Marta Mattoso (UFRJ, Brazil): “Human-in-the-loop to Fine-tune Data in Real Time ” on December 14.

Jose Mario Carranza Rojas (PhD student, Technologico de Costa-Rica) spent two days per week in the team in the context of a 4 months internship at the Montpellier research lab AMAP in the context of the Floris’Tic project).